Welcome to the SOUTHLAKES Website covering Furness and the South Lakes.

The site Hosts of over 3,000 photos of the Furness Peninsula dating from 19th century to today as well as lots of other features and a very busy message forum.  The site has a following from all over the world from people from all walks of life who want to re-live their past for the love of the Furness Area. Please use the drop down menus
at the top of this page to navigate the site

All photos linked from, or appearing on, this website  are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
unless otherwise indicated by way of copyright notice attached to individual photos.

 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Southlakes Web Site No Longer Updated.

This website will eventually disapear so you are advised
to grab any photos and information you need.

This website first started out on 10th September 1997 and with the advent of facebook and other social media this site saw a decline in users. 

At its peak it was getting around 2,000 views a day from all over the world and the message forums were showing near on 200 messages per week but as times change. I felt it time not to bother updating it back in 2012 as most people now use social media.

The only reason the site is still here is for nostalgic purposes and will one dayt vanish off the internet altogether

Feel free to look at the photos and use whatever you like as one day this site will be gone forever.

One final thing.  As time goes by and the site isn't updated then some of the links you click on may not work any longer.

Thank you to everyone who used the site since its birth in 1997 but I now feel its time to let this site run its cause;



The Southlakes web site.  (c) 1997-2021.
Webmaster:  BILL CLARK.   


Date / Time in UK

Saturday  February 8, 2025  7:06 pm  UK

No. of visitors 21,545,921   10th Sept 1997 - 10th September 2021 

Site last updated 4th August 2012

 This page last updated 10th Sept 2021,
24 years after the site originally launched.